July 19, 2012

Dr. Seuss's The Lorax

The grass is dying from this hundred degree weather, the ponds are filled with factory goo, and the clouds are now polluted with chemicals, greenhouse gases and acid.

Just got done watching The Lorax, and I must say, it's pretty symbolic of the way things are going right now. If there was a real lorax, he's be coughing out smog as he ran from the machines chopping down every inch of forest. It might be animated, but it's not just for children. I would literally force my child to watch this if I had one, and strongly stress the main point, but adults need to get the memo, too.

"Unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
- Dr. Seuss

I think this is a must see for all ages, and a colorful reminder that yes, our environment is going downhill, most people don't care, and you have to be the one to make a difference. Don't just hope someone else will take care of the problem for you. One small act can have a chain reaction. Reuse, recycle, reduce and replant.

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