March 25, 2012

Hungry for Change (Part II)

I had to laugh while watching the last part of this movie. I've been going through some shit in my life lately that has really stressed me out and made me cry. I've been bitter for so long I don't really remember what "nice" feels like, or what "truly happy" feels like. I learned to be mean and uncaring, not just toward others, but toward myself. I've been let down a lot, I've been hurt a lot. Only I can see that, it isn't something that other people pick up on or care about, and when I let out my frustrations it doesn't end up sounding like I've been suffering, it sounds like I'm whining. In truth, I hadn't intended to get healthy to live a long, happy life. I did it because I found a ray of light leading me toward a path with no stomach problems. I wanted to be pain free. That's why I still smoke.

So anyway, there was a point in the movie when one of the people said you have to love yourself. Instantly I was like "yeah right." It progessed to the suggestion of writing "I love myself unconditionally right now" on a sticky note and putting it on your bathroom mirror, having to recite it aloud every day until you mean it. I was totally against it, but then I thought I might give it a try, and what do you know, I started bawling my eyes out. All the crap that had been building up just leaked right out. It felt like the person in the movie was personally adressing me. My big concern was "Can I really give a **** what happens to myself?" I never paid attention to things like meditation or self-love before. I only ever take notes on food related stuff. But there might actually be something to it.

At another point in the movie someone said eating acts like a solution to a problem, whether it be a childhood trauma or current drama. Eating makes the pain and the bad feelings temporarily go away. I think there's a lot of truth in that, not that I had any childhood trauma, but I sure do have a lot of drama.

Anyway, moving on to the next part: detox. The body cannot fully detox if there are toxins coming in (alcohol, fast food, etc), but green veggies can get the job done faster and better than anything else. Things like aloe vera, chia seeds, fruits in veggies in every color, and clean water is fast, accessable, and will make you feel better and better. You will lose weight, your nails and hair will become shiny, your eyes will be whiter, and you will have more energy. They said that green smoothies and juices are the best, fastest and easiest way to do this. I'm going to try it out as soon as my juicer gets here, but I can tell you the smoothies I've been making are divine.

Last message: visualization is key. Imagine what you want to look like, the things you want to be able to do. Constantly visualizing it, I believe, will keep you motivated.

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