June 8, 2012


Oh my gosh, do I love chia seeds. I probably love them so much because every time I take them out of the cupboard I get to sing "Ch-ch-ch-chia!" But they're really fun little guys. Messy if you spill the bag, but tasteless little gems that make going to the bathroom and getting enough protein a whole lot easier. I put them in my tea and stir-fry, but I'm sure there's a whole lot more creative stuff, like chia pudding which I have on my to-do list. You can even mix them into oatmeal and other warm or liquid dishes.

So, if that hunger-inducing chia pudding recipe isn't convincing you to run to Whole Foods for a bag of chia goodness, what can I do to convince you? Aside from the 6 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein per tablespoon, chia seeds also...
have 5 times more calcium than milk
3 times more iron than spinach
are gluten free
have more Omega 3 than flax (chia is the richest plant source of Omega 3, which protects against arthritis and heart disease)
are an excellent source of iron and other minerals
are low glycemic and control blood sugar (perfect for diabetics)
reduce food cravings and block calorie absorption, help you feel full longer & faster
reduce blood pressure
prevents diverticulitis
high in antioxidants

Chia is also an invaluable "medicine." It can help thyroid conditions, IBS, hypo-glycemia, celiac disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, acid reflux and obesity. Traditionally it has been used to treat tons of health problems across the board by the Aztecs and Mayans.

And you know those eggs at the store that say "rich in Omega 3," well, some egg producers are now feeding those chickens chia seeds.

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