June 19, 2012

Work Snacks

I started summer school and have found it hard to go the five hours without a hearty meal. (No lunch, no breaks.) I'm the type of person who can sit down to lasagna, pizza or other dinner-type meals in the morning, and if I don't eat a lot for breakfast I feel horrible all morning. So far I filled my desk drawer with healthy snack bars, pumpkin seeds and dark chocolate. The plan is to get up early enough to make breakfast, and eat it right before class if need be. However, I am also planning to bring organic apple sauce, boiled eggs, asparagus, brussels sprouts, some blueberry jam with multigrain crackers, and smoothies. I hope to find some more raw cookies soon and get some granola bars. I'll let you know how it goes and if I find other things to bring. My husband likes sardines and veggie sandwiches.

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