June 8, 2012

Healthy Resources

Well, I've been making a list of ideas to try on my next "health retreat" with my guinea pigs volunteers. I decided to make a pamphlet covering transition foods, a transition guideline, a list of protein and fiber sources and how much is needed on a daily basis, a list of supplement ideas, a mini recipe book that has the meals we will actually be making, a fact sheet on how to read nutrition labels and what ingredients or amount of a certain ingredient to avoid. This time no one will be allowed to go to the casino, and meal preparation will have to start at a set time. I still don't know how to get them to watch the health movie, though.

Anyway, the reason why I think this health retreat is such a good idea is because a lot of people are more hands-on when it comes to a lifestyle change like this, they like to see it first hand instead of reading about it. But I do recommend taking the time to research things for yourself, read as much as you can, and find recipes and experiment. So here are two great websites and a few great books that have really helped me, along with Dr. Oz. Seriously, though, if you're not watching Dr. Oz you're missing out on SO much.

- www.livestrong.com
- www.rodale.com

- The Kind Life by Alicia Silverstone
- Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr
- Super Health by Steven Pratt, M.D.
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition by Julieanna Hever

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